Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Photo(s)

Today's theme is leaves. Here are some leaves at Celebration Park, in Federal Way, Washington:
Image credit: Cujo359

And here are some leaves that were in my back yard:
Image credit: Cujo359

I like the way the sunlight hit them. This time of year you're very lucky to see sunlight at any angle, so it was especially fortuitous.

Larger versions of the pictures are available. Just click on the images.

Have a great Sunday.


Suzanne said...

celebration park is a celebration for the eyes cujo. i love the variety of color.

your backyard leaves remind me of the cabin on the creek. had several big leaf maples that turned that lovely green to yellow to brown.

nice eye candy again :)

Cujo359 said...

Celebration Park is mostly a set of athletic fields, one end of the BPA Trail. It's a nice looking place. In one of the more characteristic episodes in our modern world, the woman who championed the park was voted off the council the following year as a "big spender". I wonder if all the folks who complain about big-spending governments are refusing to use the fields.

My guess is that they're not.