Saturday, April 3, 2010

RIP, Patches

Updated April 4

This is a friend of George's named Patches, and George's wife Diane. Patches died awhile back, and George memorialized his friend today at Decrepit Old Fool:

Go say hi if you're a regular visitor.

UPDATE (Apr. 4): I'll just add this thought, which is a perhaps more coherent version of what I wrote at George's place.

Cats really are our friends. They choose to be with us, or not. They either like us or they don't, and if they don't like us they won't hang around much, even if we're the ones who feed them. Assuming they like us, they hang out with us when they have the time. That's what friends do.

It's nice to be liked, and it's nice to feel needed on some emotional level. Cats can provide that feeling, which is one of the reasons we miss them when they're gone.


Distributorcap said...

patches was a cutie - made me think of my pal George - and how i still miss him 2 years later.....

Unknown said...

Cats are the best. I love dogs but I adore felines for the reasons you named.

I like to think Patches will be waiting for his human's at the Rainbow Bridge. It's sappy perhaps, but it has made me feel better when I have lost one of the felines I have rescued to illness or old age.

Cujo359 said...

They certainly know how to make us love them, don't they?

As you may have guessed from a more recent story, Dusty, I don't have any beliefs in an afterlife. Still, I understand the desire for one. There are quite a few quadrupeds I'd love to see again.

Unknown said...

I so understand Cujo.

I waffle back and forth on there being an afterlife, but the Rainbow Bridge story really gets to me.