Monday, April 5, 2010

Big Thought For The Day

Anyone who tells me that the Ten Commandments should be plastered on public buildings is going to have to name them. This test will be closed-book, by the way. You'll also have to know what the first book of the bible is, and you'll have to be able to explain the significance of the Sermon On The Mount, and why it was different from its parent religious philosophy. And you'll have to know which testament (old or new) Romans appears in. There's extra credit for knowing who wrote it.

This test will also be required of anyone who thinks that organized prayer should be allowed in public schools, or that "In God We Trust" is a dandy motto for a country that has a law stating that the government will not make any laws establishing a religion.

Image credit: Screenshot by Cujo359 (Complete explanation here.)

Here are a couple of our proctors, and as you can see, they're well armed. Forming your own militia will not help you here. Number two pencils will not be provided. They're sharp objects, and unlike some churches, we have liability concerns.

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