Wednesday, December 16, 2009

An Open Letter to Senator Dodd

I didn't write this one. Over at My Left Nutmeg, Met00 has put into words what I've been thinking lately in an open letter to Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT). It starts out like this:

Senator Ted Kennedy considered health care reform "the cause" of his life. In his 47 years in the Senate, Senator Ted Kennedy fought for universal comprehensive coverage some 15 different times. Working closely with the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee to create a fair and just bill and pass health care reform bill this year, even while undergoing cancer treatments in Massachusetts.

But the bill before the Senate today does not look at all like the reform that Senator Ted Kennedy fought for.

There is no universal coverage. There is no "public option." The only thing that there is, is a mandate that every American buy health coverage from the same jackoffs that have been ripping off the American people for years.

This is not Senator Kennedy's dream. It is not a progressive vision.

Open Letter to Senator Dodd

The other thing I keep thinking, actually what I keep wondering, is how many indignities the Senate's progressives will suffer just to pass any bill they can call "health care reform". This thing sucks, and it's not going to do anyone a damn bit of good besides the people who are doing fine already.

If you're into sadomasochism, you're probably better suited to watching how this process concludes than I am.

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