Thursday, November 19, 2009

When In Tokyo

When in Tokyo, do as the Tokyoans do. That basic bit of folk wisdom seems to be obvious to just about everyone in America who isn't a conservative pundit or one of their dittoheads:

... according to the new Fox News poll.

Respondents were asked: "When the president of the United States is traveling overseas, do you think it is appropriate for him to bow to a foreign leader if that is the country's custom or is it never appropriate for the president to bow to another leader?"

The numbers: Appropriate 67%, Never appropriate 26%. Even a majority of Republican respondents were okay with the bow, by a 53%-40% margin. Democrats weigh in at 84%-9%, and independents 62%-30%.

Americans Overwhelmingly Say Obama Bowing To Japanese Emperor Was Appropriate -- Even In A Fox Poll

As the Talking Points Memo article went on to note, Fox News provided the background for the question, and Americans understood that this is just being polite. Having traveled quite a bit with Americans who are politically conservative, I don't find the Republican numbers all that surprising. The only thing remarkable about this is the source of the poll, but it's still nice to know that we have at least some understanding of how to behave with foreigners in their own countries. There are days I really wonder.


Dana Hunter said...

The image of Faux News fucktards choking on their donuts when they got that result warms my heart, it does. But, of course, that big number of people saying it's only polite to bow aren't real Americans, so they don't count.

Cujo359 said...

It's an entertaining thought, but this is how they've operated for some time. Try out whatever comes to mind, make sure everyone in the party elite is on board with the message, and see if it works. They'll find something that sticks eventually.