Sunday, March 14, 2010


If you don't think this is funny, then I suspect one of two things is true:
Image credit: crankylitprof

  • You've never lived with a cat

  • You've spent the morning avoiding or cleaning up cat vomit

I can't think of any other possibilities...

UPDATE: Here's a great gift idea for cat lovers:
Image credit: Composite image by Cujo359. Background image: BrokenSphere/Wikimedia


Suzanne said...


i started feeding bailey cat that anti-hairball formula cat food and i've not needed a sign since. of course, now that i've said that...

Cujo359 said...

Mine never acted as though they had hairballs. Nonetheless, every few months they managed to have a gastric issue.

Patti Gibbons said...

I spent this morning chasing the cat away from vomiting on the good rugs, and then she did it on the stairs..what a mess...that stuff is so strong (vomit) that it should be marketed as "natual shellac remover" for floors of old houses.....

Dana Hunter said...

I must have one. ROFLMAO!

Cujo359 said...

One of the things that amazes me about cats is their determination to ralph on the surfaces that are most resistant to cleaning. When I managed to catch one of mine at it, I'd carry them to the kitchen, so they'd upchuck on the linoleum. Fat chance. They'd run back to the carpet.

Cujo359 said...

If I ever have a cat in this house again, I'll almost certainly have to get one, Dana.