Thursday, March 18, 2010

Joan Walsh Doesn't Speak For Me

Caption: The Thinker. Yet more geniuses are sharing their thoughts on health care reform.

Speaking of mouth-breathing idiots, Joan Walsh doesn't speak for me. She wouldn't be allowed to speak for me even if I were drowning and she was the only one who could get the message to the lifeguards. She'd probably forget what she was supposed to tell them, as she demonstrates here in an article entitled "Dennis Kucinich Speaks For Me":

Kucinich understands, in a way that folks like Michael Moore don't seem to, that there will be no healthcare reform for another generation if this bill doesn't pass. There will be no second Obama term either (and don't dream about lefty primary challenges -- there won't be a Democrat in the White House in 2013 if his name isn't Obama). The only thing worse than being an alleged socialist in American politics is being a weak, ineffectual socialist, and if the president and his party can't get this package passed, despite controlling the White House and a healthy majority in both houses of Congress, they will be rebuked by the voters. And maybe rightly rebuked. What better sign that a party isn't ready to govern?

Dennis Kucinich Speaks For Me

Oh, I don't know, maybe screwing your base for an entire year, and then passing a health care bill that will only make things worse than they were already? That is, of course, while you have those huge majorities.

And if you think they'd rebuke the Democrats for not passing a health care bill, wait until you see how things turn out when they pass this abortion. It's going to make getting insurance to pay for an abortion virtually impossible in a few years, has an individual mandate that makes people buy what is sure to be crap insurance, doesn't give states free rein to set their own insurance policies, and leaves an astonishing number of people still uncovered, all for a mere $90 billion a year.

I really want to know - is there anyone editing a major magazine these days who understands mathematics? There definitely aren't any who remember what it's like to live from paycheck to paycheck.

The only good thing about all this is that by the time some of this comes to pass in three years, the Republicans will be in charge again and they might get some of the blame. Then again, we just went through that, didn't we, and there are still people who think Iraq bombed the World Trade Center? The Republicans don't seem to get blamed even for the things they do screw up.

Even as a political analyst this woman can't tell her ass from a hole in the ground. There is no mention of the fact that Kucinich, as a potential deciding vote, got nothing changed in the bill for changing his mind. That's a major point - it would make anyone with any sense question what he was told about this. I don't subscribe to the theory that Kucinich was threatened with receiving no funding - he has a big mailing list, and plenty of supporters. But I'm wondering what's really behind this decision.

Here's one more gem from that article:

In 2010, this is as good as it gets when it comes to healthcare reform. Progressives have to work harder to build support -- real, voting support, not just opinion-polling support -- for our views.

Dennis Kucinich Speaks For Me

The progressives have the second-biggest caucus in the House. If they don't vote for something, it won't pass. A competent group of politicians could have turned that into at least a few major concessions. These idiots couldn't get jack. No doubt Walsh is speaking for them.

It really is a race to the bottom in the progressive press these days.

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