Well, we're not sure. Hillary Clinton appears to have won more delegates on Super Mega Frickin Tuesday than Barack Obama. The Associated Press, via the Los Angeles Times, reckons that Clinton won 354 to Obama's 315, with some change still possible. Not all results were in when that story was filed, which was around 11PM PST. It's not exactly a resounding victory, though. At this rate, John Edwards or Bill Richardson could be the guys who swing the convention. The Times goes on to say:
Clinton won support from about 6 in 10 Latinos and also led among voters most concerned about the economy, who made up half of the Democrats voting Tuesday. Obama led among those most concerned about Iraq, who made up about 3 in 10 voters surveyed.
Clinton, Obama both claim Democratic victories
This sounds like good news for Clinton, since the economy is going to be looming larger as a concern in the coming months. And frankly, anyone who thinks Obama's going to do any more about Iraq hasn't checked his voting record on Iraq. Sooner or later, reality may intrude on that fantasy.
The Boston Globe observes:
Democratic voter turnout increased dramatically in Massachusetts, Georgia, Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York, among other states. New Jersey went so far as to quadruple its 2004 Democratic turnout, in part the result of moving its primary up from the back end of the schedule in June to center stage on Super Tuesday.
Obama, Clinton fight to be favorite
Despite my rather pessimistic prediction this morning, it appears turnout was very good, even considering that the schedule is different this year.
Clinton can be proud of one victory, though. Despite the endorsement of Obama by Ted Kennedy, she has won Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, Obamamania might be bumping up against a different reality soon. B-Merry has just started a blog called Rezko Watch, after our favorite Obama supporter. B-Merry has quite a bit of material already, and I suspect we're nowhere near the end of that saga.
UPDATE: Changed the credit for that delegate count to the Associated Press. It was just in the Times article that I read about it.
Larry Johnson serves up some more reality for Obama supporters. He points to an article about Obama by Peter Hitchens, which is well worth a read.
Cujo - I know you're not feeling too excited to go and caucus on Saturday but I hope you'll change your mind. I think it's important for all of us, no matter who we support, to take advantage of the opportunity to register our choice in the only state vote that will actually count towards delegates.
I'm mostly going to show the Obamamaniacs I haven't been sucked into their cult.
And I say that as someone who loathes the caucus process!
Hi shoephone,
Yes, I'll be going. It turns out the caucus is right near where I live. I'd feel badly about not going at this point. I doubt I'll be able to vote for Edwards, at least not and have it count, but, as you say, it is the only chance I'll have to express my preference.
Hope things are OK. I haven't seen you much over at EP. For that matter, I haven't seen much of anyone over there.
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