Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Found One

Image credit: Wikipedia

You've got to hand it to those conservatives. No sooner than you can utter the phrase "Obama is inevitable" the race-baiting starts:

Obama and I are roughly the same age. I grew up in liberal circles in New York City — a place to which people who wished to rebel against their upbringings had gravitated for generations. And yet, all of my mixed race, black/white classmates throughout my youth, some of whom I am still in contact with, were the product of very culturally specific unions. They were always the offspring of a white mother, (in my circles, she was usually Jewish, but elsewhere not necessarily) and usually a highly educated black father. And how had these two come together at a time when it was neither natural nor easy for such relationships to flourish? Always through politics. No, not the young Republicans. Usually the Communist Youth League. Or maybe a different arm of the CPUSA. But, for a white woman to marry a black man in 1958, or 60, there was almost inevitably a connection to explicit Communist politics. (During the Clinton Administration we were all introduced to then U. of Pennsylvania Professor Lani Guinier — also a half black/half Jewish, red diaper baby.)

Obama's Political Origins

Now, if you read a title like "Obama's Political Origins", you'd expect to learn about his mentors, spirit guides, or whoever it was who actually had an influence on him, wouldn't you? You wouldn't expect to read that he was genetically predisposed to believing in a thoroughly repudiated economic system. But there it is - Obama, the red-diaper baby.

So, let me see, interracial marriages up to the Seventies were the result of communist leanings. That must mean, ooh, ooh - look I found one. And you thought Nixon rooted them all out, didn't you?

Oh, wait he married her in 1987, seventeen years after the commies let go their stranglehold on interracial marriages and let just anybody do it.

My bad.

Incidentally, both Attaturk (at FDL) and Glenn Greenwald have some observations on this as well.

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